Post Conference
Public Sector Transformation 2002 -
Victoria, British Columbia
Resources available from:
- Wasim Ahmad
- Katie Bambrick
- Scott Campbell
- Dr. Stan Davis
- Lee Denny
- Derek Gale
- Scott Garvey
- Mary Gibson
- Hon. Stan Hagen
- Carol Kelly
- Bruce Laidlaw
- Lyndon Olson
- Choon Yang Quek
- Doug Rundell
- Jamie Sawchuk
- Tony Sirianni
- Jim Stonehouse
- Alan Strachan
- Christa Sutherland
- Michael van der Lee
- Dale Wershler
Public Safety Transformation 2002 -
Whistler, British Columbia
Resources available from:
- Iain Drummond
- Louis Freeh
- Gary Haycox
- Tom Gede
- Marie Hattar
- Horst Intscher
- Andrew Konstantaras
- Jeff Langford
- Richard Mosley
- Raj Nanavati
- Geoff Plant
- Margaret Purdy
- Janet Reno
- Warren Tomek
- Elizabeth Tromp
- Greg Wright
- Legal Links
- Links to Agencies
Registration, accommodation
and logistics information
(604) 530-0872
Sponsorship and other information