Association of Canadian Court Administrators (ACCA) National Conference 2005, Changing World Changing Courts
Fairmont Empress and Victoria Conference Centre
November 13-16 2005
Notional Agenda
Last updated: September 23, 2005
* = Invited
Sunday, Nov 13th
1:00 - 5:00pm
Registration opens
Kensington Room
6:00 - 10:00pm
Welcoming Reception, West Coast Cuisine and Show - Royal British Columbia Museum
Opening Remarks and Welcome (6:30 p.m.):
- Robert Girard, Conference Co-ordinator, Manager Court Services, Cranbrook
- Helen Pedneault, Assistant Deputy Minister, Court Services, Province of British Columbia
- Chief Justice Donald Brenner, Supreme Court of B.C.
Monday, Nov 14th
7:00 - 8:30am
Continental Breakfast, Registration - Palm Court/Kensington Room
Sponsor Exhibits open for the day - Level 2 VCC
8:45 - 9:00 am
Opening Remarks and Introduction - Salon AB
- Robert Girard, Conference Co-ordinator, Manager Court Services, Cranbrook
- Joanne Spriet, ACCA President
9:00 - 10:00am
Keynote Speaker: Gwynne Dyer, "Changing World" - Salon AB
How international and national changes are impacting and will impact justice and the courts.
10:00 - 10:30am
10:30 - 12:00pm
Cybercourt/Court Systems of the future: Where we are going in the future. Handling files/remote sittings/evidence. Salon C
Moderator: Geoff Plant, QC, Partner, Heenan Blaikie, former Attorney General of British Columbia
- Chief Justice Donald Brenner, Supreme Court of B.C.
- D.A. BellemareMSM, Q.C., Assistant Deputy Attorney General (Criminal Law), Federal Prosecution Service, Department of Justice Canada
- Helen Pedneault, Assistant Deputy Minister, Court Services, Province of British Columbia
12:00 - 1:30pm
Luncheon - Vancouver 2010 Presentation - Salon AB
- Peter Norman, former SFU professor, current Royal Roads lecturer, and one of the designers/principals behind the BC Government's 'Leading the Way' management development initiative.
- Vancouver 2010 Olympics Presentation
1:30 - 3:00pm
Cyber Crime: External Threats. Changes in technology create new opportunities for crime. ID theft, fraud, theft of personal information, theft of secure data.
- Moderator: Corporal Catherine Galliford, RCMP 'E' Div. Major Crime Section, Behavioural Science Group, Integrated Child Exploitation Unit
- Assistant Commissioner/Commanding Officer (retired) Earl Moulton, RCMP F Division (Saskatchewan). Chair, Committee on Electronic Crime of the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police. Founder of POLCYB, The Society for the Policing of Cyberspace
- Staff Sergeant Daniel Farr, Manager of Policy, Planning & Evaluation, Halton Regional Police, Oakville, Ontario. Consultant to the combined forces of Metro Toronto. Advisor on ID theft, ID fraud and threat assessment.
- Ryan Purita, Senior Security Specialist and Forensic Examiner, Totally Connected Security Ltd., Vancouver, BC
3:00 - 5:00pm
Platinum Sponsors Showcase: continuous demonstrations
3:30 - 4:15pm
Annual Meeting of the Association of Canadian Court Administrators
5:30 - 7:00pm
Wine Tasting and Light Hors d�ouerves - Crystal Ballroom/Palm Court, Fairmont Empress Hotel
An introduction to B.C.�s award winning wines, with live music accompaniment.
Dinner: On own - see restaurant recommendations in the conference program
* = Invited
Tuesday, Nov 15th
7:00 - 8:30am
Full Breakfast Service - Crystal Ballroom
Sponsor exhibits open for the day
8:45 - 9:00am
Remarks and Introduction - Salon AB
- Robert Girard, Conference Co-ordinator, Manager Court Services, Cranbrook
- Bruce Heayn, Conference Chair, Director, Special Projects, Court Services Branch, BC
9:00 - 10:00am
Keynote Speaker: Stephen Lewis - Salon AB
"Effective justice with a social conscience". How changes in social conditions, coupled with technology and rapid communication, impact world events, domestic priorities, and justice programs.
10:00 - 10:20am
10:20 - 12:00pm
Salon C
Crystal Ballroom
Breakout Sessions:
Session 1:
Internal Threats: Social Engineering/Friends of Hells Angels (or other gangs).
Infiltration or breaching from inside of existing, secure systems, and, the resulting checks & security implications for staff working in a courthouse environment (fingerprinting, iris, DNA, skin inserts). ie. Registry staff/Justin staff. Security Risks from apparently legitimate staff, who happen to be recruited by a gang.
- Moderator: Len Griffiths, Director of Court Operations, Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General
- Assistant Commissioner John Neily, Criminal Intelligence, RCMP National headquarters, Ottawa, Specialist in organized crime, security, terrorism and integrity compromise.
- Ms. Margot Tubman, Principal, Gordium Associates, a B. C. based consulting firm which specializes in justice policy and program development.
- Julian Sher*, investigative journalist, award winning documentary producer with CBC's The Fifth Estate, and author of "Road to Hell: How the Biker Gangs are Conquering Canada"
Session 2:
Role of courts as a public institution/ Civil Justice in the future.
What is the public interest in civil justice? How will the system handle civil clients� needs? Will there be filings? Will all cases be mediated, within or outside the courthouse? How to ensure the expertise of the Mediator/adjudicator? How will parties enforce?
- Moderator: Allan Seckel, Q.C., Deputy Attorney General, Province of British Columbia
- Maureen Maloney, International Mediator, law professor and former Deputy Minister
- Diana Lowe, Executive Director of the Canadian Forum on Civil Justice
- Associate Chief Judge E. Dennis Schmidt, Provincial Court of British Columbia
12:15 - 1:30pm
Luncheon - Introduction to the 2006 ACCA National Conference - Crystal Ballroom
1:30 - 2:45pm
Salon AB
BEAR PIT - Public Access to Information "The Philosophy of Open Court and Impact of Technology"
As the practical obscurity deflectors decrease, will the media and public's interest in having access to court information (in court, even hearing about BAN applications or, out of court, more detailed and immediate access to file information) via audio or visual media, interfere or override the broader public interest in privacy protection?
Panel Session: to explore a contentious issue in public policy and justice administration.
Moderator: Ian Hanamansing, Broadcast Journalist, Host, CBC News: Canada Now
- Chief Judge Hugh Stansfield, Provincial Court of British Columbia.
- Justice Paul Williamson, Supreme Court of British Columbia
- Dan Burnett, Owen Bird Law Corporation
- Kim Bolan, Journalist, The Vancouver Sun
2:45 - 3:00pm
3:00 - 4:00pm
BEAR PIT (Continued)
7:00 - 9:00pm
9:00 - 1:00am
ACCA 30th Anniversary Gala Banquet and Dance - Victoria Conference Centre, Salon A/B (semi-formal attire)
Guest Speakers:
- Honourable Lance Finch, Chief Justice of British Columbia
Musical entertainment: Timebenders (Show and Dance Band)
Wednesday, Nov 16th
8:00 - 9:15am
Continental Breakfast - Palm Court
9:30 - 11:30am
Closing Workshop - Salon AB
Remarks and Introduction - Salon AB
- Robert Girard, Conference Co-ordinator, Manager Court Services, Cranbrook
Motivational speaker - on Leadership
Peter Norman, former SFU professor, current Royal Roads lecturer, and one of the designers/principals behind the BC Government's �Leading the Way� management development initiative
11:30 - 11:45am
Conference Wrap-up and Closing Commentary
Registration, accommodation
and logistics information
(604) 530-0872
Sponsorship and other information